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10 Seeds Monkey Jack Artocarpus lakoocha
Product Description
Lakoocha is a deciduous tree, 10-15 m tall. Branchlets are 3-6 mm thick, densely covered with stiff pale brown to yellow velvety hairs. Stipules are ovate-lanceshaped, 4-5 cm long. Elliptic leaves, on 2-3 cm long stalks, are densely covered with yellow bristles. Leaves are large, 25-30 cm long, 15-20 cm wide, sometimes pinnately lobed, base wedge-shaped, tip blunt. Leaf margin is entire or with small teeth. Flowers are tiny, yellowish, fused into a round flower body. The fruits are nearly round or irregular, 2 to 5 inches wide, velvety, dull-yellow tinged with pink, with sweet sour pulp which is occasionally eaten raw but mostly made into curries or chutney. The male flower spike is pickled.